Friday, December 2, 2016

mission statement/ business plan

the plan is to make a Japanese sports car company  that will compete against a classic car restoration. I'm going to make a cars that are safer. more affordable. less expensive and customized for the customers fitting. my audience is paired toward the higher class people who want and can afford the more expensive deal. i want to create a positive environment and image towards the people for the people. as far as the view of the people id like them to see exactly what they want when they walk in to the lot. things id like it to have : a fast car as the logo, interesting rims that you may not see on a normal car and for it to be crisp and clear to the public.

Friday, November 11, 2016

self portrait



Wednesday, October 19, 2016

hwrk 5

this is a movie poster from one of my current favorite movies right now warcraft (2016). i like this poster because it shows both sides of what the movie will be about the good and bad. also i like that you can clearly see what everything is on and inside the poster. i also like the color choice they used the background matches well with the red and blue used. maybe the release date could have been a bit bigger but in general i like the overall appearance of the is poster. the designer that did this had a good sense of symmetry and lining things up correctly .

movie plot

movie title: school of the dead
description: a girl who one day has to change schools and she thinks oh I'm just transferring to another normal school. little does she know she's about to enroll in a school for the living dead. so the day school starts she goes ...and no one knows what happen to her.