Sunday, September 11, 2016

homework #2

i don't see anything classified as art being over designed i see it as many people have different ideals about art. paola makes a good point saying that the art may be far ahead but its not hurtful it is just the way the artist has made that item.the plane ( a peice of art) was a way of romance to him because he saw the beauty behind his creation. going through all those different steps of design through his life to wind up hired out as a designer in many different states to satisfy his craving for art. he kept rethinking what he wanted to do with his career. he was with them for 25 years and then he wanted to make a change which can be hard when you have been in one place for so long. he wanted a simpler art so he went to designing chairs because he thought the up and down motion was simpler. in the end of it all he just wanted to love what he was doing for the rest of his life and i think he found that special art he was looking for.

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